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Monday, April 21, 2008

HR - Frequently Asked Questions

1.) How much salary Your Expecting?

Answer1: I would expect a salary which reflects the experience and qualifications that I bring to the role.

Answer 2: I’ve got a strong background in this industry and my skills are a perfect match for this role. I would expect my compensation to be at the upper end of the position’s salary band.

Answer 3: Based on the information I have about the position, a salary in the range 15,000 - 18,000 would reflect the experience and expertise that I would bring to the role.

2.) Why did you take HR as a specialization?

Basically i am a peoples person and enjoy interacting with different levels of people which is a basic requisite for any HR Personnel.Even i belive i can excel in people management too and hence for me HR is the right field where i can utilise my skills

3.) What kind of person would you refuse to work with?

This is a very tricky question to test your attitude to others. So you must start the answer in a positive note.Eg., Well, I am a person, who can work with all kinds of people. However, I feel bit uncomfortable to work with persons of selfish and ingratitude in nature.

4.) What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?

Every should learn from his mistake. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin especially with elderly and experienced person.

5.) What is more important to you: the money or the work?

Money and work both are like siblings. But I believe when you work hard; money will flow to you. So work is more important than money. Only hard work can help you put another feather in your success cap.

6.) Why do you want to join in industry?

industry is a place where the gradutes have the opportunity to apply thier skills n knowledge which they learn from their respective institutions.so feel industry is a best way for a person to applying their practical knowledge.

7.) Are you a team player?

while answering this question, try to keep yourself on both sides. For example, if the interviewer asks if you prefer to work alone or on a team, he may be trying to get you to say you are one way or the other. But you don't have to play this game. The reality is that most jobs require us to work both independently and in teams. Your response to this question should show that you have been successful in both situations or (In case you dont find yourself comfy with team work say this) - I beleive in individual work recognition [this would not put your weakness in front of others that strongly, Remember people who take interviews are super masters, do not fool them]
Check out these sample Cover Letters to understand the kind of cover letters you can use in Indian scenario.mock resume
Sample Cover letter

15 Golden Tips

The thought of writing a resume intimidates almost anyone. It's difficult to know where to start or what to include. It can seem like an insurmountable task. Here are 15 tips to help you not only tackle the task, but also write a winning resume.


Determine your job search objective prior to writing the resume. Once you have determined your objective, you can structure the content of your resume around that objective. Think of your objective as the bull's-eye to focus your resume on hitting. If you write your resume without having a clear objective in mind, it will likely come across as unfocused to those that read it. Take the time before you start your resume to form a clear objective.


Think of your resume as a marketing tool. Think of yourself as a product, potential employers as your customers, and your resume as a brochure about you. Market yourself through your resume. What are your features and benefits? What makes you unique? Make sure to convey this information in your resume.


Use your resume to obtain an interview, not a job. You don't need to go into detail about every accomplishment. Strive to be clear and concise. The purpose of your resume is to generate enough interest in you to have an employer contact you for an interview. Use the interview to provide a more detailed explanation of your accomplishments and to land a job offer.


Use bulleted sentences. In the body of your resume, use bullets with short sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs. Resumes are read quickly. This bulleted sentence format makes it easier for someone to quickly scan your resume and still absorb it.


Use action words. Action words cause your resume to pop. To add life to your resume, use bulleted sentences that begin with action words like prepared, developed, monitored, and presented.


Use #'s, Rs. and %'s. Numbers, dollars, and percentages stand out in the body of a resume. Use them. Here are two examples:
* Managed a department of 10 with a budget of Rs.1,000,000.
* Increased sales by 25% in a 15-state territory.


Lead with your strengths. Since resumes are typically reviewed in 30 seconds, take the time to determine which bullets most strongly support your job search objective. Put those strong points first where they are more apt to be read.


Play Match Game. Review want ads for positions that interest you. Use the key words listed in these ads to match them to bullets in your resume. If you have missed any key words, add them to your resume.


Use buzzwords. If there are terms that show your competence in a particular field, use them in your resume. For marketing people, use "competitive analysis." For accounting types, use "reconciled accounts."


Accent the positive. Leave off negatives and irrelevant points. If you feel your date of graduation will subject you to age discrimination, leave the date off your resume. If you do some duties in your current job that don't support your job search objective, leave them off your resume. Focus on the duties that do support your objective. Leave off irrelevant personal information like your height and weight.


Show what you know. Rather than going into depth in one area, use your resume to highlight your breadth of knowledge. Use an interview to provide more detail.


Show who you know. If you have reported to someone important such as a vice president or department manager, say so in your resume. Having reported to someone important causes the reader to infer that you are important.


Construct your resume to read easily. Leave white space. Use a font size no smaller than 10 point. Limit the length of your resume to 1-2 pages. Remember, resumes are reviewed quickly. Help the reader to scan your resume efficiently and effectively.


Have someone else review your resume. Since you are so close to your situation, it can be difficult for you to hit all your high points and clearly convey all your accomplishments. Have someone review your job search objective, your resume, and listings of positions that interest you. Encourage them to ask questions. Their questions can help you to discover items you inadvertently left off your resume. Revise your resume to include these items. Their questions can also point to items on your resume that are confusing to the reader. Clarify your resume based on this input.


Submit your resume to potential employers. Have the courage to submit your resume. Think of it as a game where your odds of winning increase with every resume you submit. You really do increase your odds with every resume you submit. Use a three-tiered approach. Apply for some jobs that appear to be beneath you. Perhaps they will turn out to be more than they appeared to be once you interview for them. Or perhaps once you have your foot in the door you can learn of other opportunities. Apply for jobs that seem to be just at your level. You will get interviews for some of those jobs. See how each job stacks up. Try for some jobs that seem like a stretch. That's how you grow -- by taking risks. Don't rule yourself out. Trust the process. Good luck in your job search!

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